Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Moving is a Bitch

I hate moving. I moved around all four years of my undergraduate career, and ever since I moved off campus, i said i wasn't gonna move again, and I always do. Well my lease was up at my last house and I was ready to live by myself, so now I got my own apartment. Im happy I found my own spot, but sad I'm not a Washtonian anymore :(. Although I'm happy to finally not have roommates for once in my life, i still hate the process of packin, putting shit in a U-Haul, transporting it all to a new place, and then unpacking. Well since I don't feel like unpacking right now, I'm gonna show u guys shit I would get for my new spot (if it was cheap at Target or IKEA)
This shit looks like a villian chair, i fuck wit it
Since I can't cop my hazlenut americano at the starbucks on georgia ave anymore, I'm gonna be drinking my coffee out of these
Red Plastic cups are a staple in college life, but how hot would it be to have a glass like that
My Blogger Throne
Cuz I'm freaky like that
Cool drawers
Pixel Couch, Fiyah
UnsTable Coffee Table

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