Saturday, February 6, 2010

Damien Hirst : “End Of An Era”

“The exhibition takes its title from the central sculpture in the exhibition, a severed bull’s head with golden horns and crowned with a solid gold disc. Suspended in formaldehyde and encased in a golden vitrine, this totemic sculpture acts as a powerful coda to The Golden Calf (2008). End of an Era proffers a sacrificial head, here dismembered from the majestic body of the earlier sculpture. While The Golden Calf symbolized the worshipping of a false idol, with End of an Era (2009) Hirst demystifies the biblical tale and, by extension, debunks his own myth-making,” quoted from press release.
JANUARY 30 – MARCH 6, 2010

980 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10075
T. 212.744.2313 F. 212.772.7962
Hours: Tue-Sat 10-6

Via TrendLand

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