Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fantastic Mr. Fox

From one of my favorite directors Wes Anderson

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good Brands Report: Lessons From The Top 10 Brands

Google - Experiment rapidly, embrace failure.

Apple - Every aspect of your brand should be as good as the product.

Zipcar - Stop selling products, start selling services.

GOOD Magazine - Set the agenda and let your customers spread the conversation.

Amazon - Identify parts of our business that could be offered as additional services.

Facebook - Create the playground and let your customers define your offering.

Virgin - Think big , think small. Amaze customers with your audacity, please them with your attention to detail and customer service.

Twitter - Stay flexible, allow your audience to dictate how your services or products are used.

IKEA - Take a wider view of the shopping experience, making each step along the path to purchase simpler and, more enjoyable.

Skype - Reach scale with free product, make money from premium services.
(via PFSK)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Security Camera Lamp

created by Antrepo Design Industry

Saturday, August 8, 2009