Wednesday, September 30, 2009

'Fame Kills' Concept

Fame Kills from kwest on Vimeo.

“The storyline is that Kanye is on one end of the stage and I’m on the other, and the whole show, we are trying to get to where each other is,” she said.

“I want something that he has, which is the fame, and he wants something that I have, which is home, and my humble beginnings. So we battle each other throughout the entire performance to steal each other’s spaces… So I’m essentially on a quest to kill Kanye West to steal his fame.” -Lady GaGa

-Update- Tour Cancelled

Monday, September 28, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are x Opening Ceremony Collection

The upcoming children’s book to movie adaptation Where The Wild Things Are by Spike Jonze continues on a high-profile route as this time around, Opening Ceremony gets involved in an exclusive collection. In some instances a very literal take on the movie’s aesthetic is exercised leading to some costume-like creations with a further follow-up of jewelry provided by Pamela Love. Available at Opening Ceremony today.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Temperley: Zoetrope

A Zoetrope replaces the runway in this showcase of Temperley's Spring line for Fashion Week.

Creative collective Legs created a 12-foot tall carousel structure that combined film loops and modern proejction technology to showcase Temperley's circus-inspired Spring 2010 line at both London and New York's Fashion Week.
(via Creativity)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tangle Free Earbuds

Lee Washington, a product design student currently studying in London at Central Saint Martins, recently posted a video describing an ingeniously simple concept design for headphones that will not get tangled. Essentially, the idea is to apply the same technology of a Ziploc bag to the two separate wires, allowing users to seal them together before putting them away.

Why didn't I think of this?

(stolen from PFSK)

From MSG to MSGents

From MSGs to MSGents from jeff on Vimeo.


Australian ad agency Whybin TBWA created this brilliant set to promote the Sydney International Food Festival coming up next month.Different countries are represented by their respective flags. The kicker is, all the flags are made up of different foods from their native countries.